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Elementor #25099
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Module 1: Who Are You?Introduction
Module 1: Who Are You? - Introduction
Activity: Who Are Your Heroes?
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Extra Credit: Personality Traits
Book Club Pick 1Big Magic
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Module 2: What Do You Value?Module 2: What Do You Value? - Introduction
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Book Club Pick 2Daring Greatly
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Module 3: What Are Your Dreams?Module 3: What Are Your Dreams - Introduction
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Book Club Pick 3Little Book of Lykke
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Module 4: What Do you need to let go of?Module 4: What Do You Need to Let Go Of? - Introduction
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Book Club Pick 4When Things Fall Apart
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Module 5: Why Does It Matter?Module 5: Why Does It Matter - Introduction
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Book Club Pick 5Deep Work
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Module 6: How Can You Achieve It?Module 6: How Can You Achieve It? - Introduction
Monthly Online Group Discussion
Book Club Pick 6Women Rowing North
Monthly Online Group Discussion
This first module is designed to help us get to know ourselves and who we are right now in this present moment.

Who Are You Currently?
And How Is That Different From Who You Were Before?
- In our teen years we are trying to figure out who we are and what we will become.
- In our twenties we may be starting to question what we’ve been taught and think about what things look like when making our own decisions.
- In our thirties many of us embark on serious relationships, jobs, sometimes kids and we see ourselves through the lens of those constructs.
- In our forties we start to settle into what is vs what we might have dreamed and imagined as possible.
- In our fifties our path becomes even more finite as we age, we are facing a possibly empty nest, our jobs may be changing, we are thinking much more about retirement.
As we continue to age we are possibly dealing with aging parents, more illnesses. We realize that there is only so much we can achieve in our lives, not mention more experience with heartbreak, trauma and challenges.